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A member registered Jan 24, 2021

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it seemed to correct itself after I went through with the first life rewind. thanks again for the info

Hey so i have noticed that something is going wrong and causing the auto saves to not even work right as I have noticed nothing is showing up in the auto save page at all can someone help me find a way to fix this I'm playing off the windows build 3.2.4 international  building I downloaded  from the mega link if it helps you at all 

take your time and keep your health as the number one priority because the game doesn't amount to anything if you put your life at risk just to get it an update out just take care of yourself and work things out at your own pace. 

I'm playing on the pc version 1.0.2 so far i have come across a looping bug where I can't activate the loan shark side story in the park it keeps telling me that i have accepted the quest line  but it is still showing up as locked in the progress area of the menu , I have also come across an error when dealing with shop where you can't load the shop right and when you enter it you can't leave without cancelling out with the back button 

yeah, I could not see any indicators there thank for the key  info

anyone have any problems with the  h scenes getting stuck after starting  how can I fix this issue so  i can continue the game  

(3 edits)

hey, I downloaded latest pc build of the game and have played right up until the first of the three questions at the end of the islands maze quiz but no matter how many times, I try to answer the test questions, I keep receiving a beep or buzz sound and the Answers not being Accepted even after double and even triple checking my spelling.  What do I need to do to fix this?

are you going to be going right into working on  chapter 2 or are you going to take a break to work on something else?